Hermetic principle 3: Vibration

Nothing rests; Everything moves; Everything vibrates. - The Kybalion

Vibration has three characteristics in science: how far a vibration can travel (amplitude), how fast it can travel (frequency), and the speed at which it travels (acceleration). These characteristics describe the back and forth motion of the particles and atoms that form all matter, physical and metaphysical.

It is also known that emotions and thoughts carry with them a distinct vibration. Emotions and thoughts of unconditional love are subtle and vibrate the highest. Thoughts and emotions of hate are more dense and vibrate at the lowest frequencies.

Modern science has also endorsed the belief that everything in the universe is a result of vibrating atoms and molecules.

Tesla stated, “ If you want to understand the universe think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

The Rishis (enlightened person) of ancient Vedic tradition believed that mankind was made of sound and light. It is believed that the vibrations released by saying Vedic chants in Sanskrit opens the door to consciousness and causes a spiritual shift in an individual’s life.

The Ankh in ancient Egypt was used as a conduit to harness the vibration of the divine power of life and sexual energies.

To the alchemist, the hermetic principle of vibration is a master key to understanding everything created in the universe. This universal law provides a window into the millions of degrees of vibration that separate matter, energy, and spirit. The mastery of the hermetic principle of vibration allows the alchemist to control one’s own mental vibration and the mental vibration of others. To the alchemist, the hermetic principle of vibration gives him or her the power to conquer natural phenomena in various ways and manifest at will. It is said that once a student fully understands the principle of vibration they have grasped the scepter of power.

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